YELLOW - You've Got a Friend (VIRTUAL CLASS)

YELLOW - You've Got a Friend (VIRTUAL CLASS)

YELLOW Class Focus - You've Got a Friend (Virtual Online Class)

If you called your dog and he happily came running to you but you immediately brought him into the house to clean his ears, he probably would not come so quickly the next time you called. What the dog learned is not to trust you because he associated being near you and hearing you call his name with something unpleasant.  

By using only positive interactions each time you greet or call your dog, you’ll be gaining his trust. And building a better bond through trust is the most reliable way to get your dog to respond. When your dog learns that approaching people and greeting them politely makes good things happen, and nothing bad ever occurs, this is the foundation for a sound and safe future.

When you call his name, he’ll come running! You’ve got a friend!

Event Properties

Event date 04-20-2022 6:00 pm CT
Event End Date 04-20-2022 7:00 pm CT
Cut off date 04-19-2022 11:55 pm CT
Capacity 4
Registered 4
Available Seats 0
Instructor Cassie Williams, KPA, CTP
Number Hours 1
Location Virtual Online

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